Just the random ramblings of a 20 something Bostonian girl, living life and sharing random thoughts and experiences along the way . . .

Friday, January 21, 2011

Crack Cocaine Babies

So it’s Friday, yay. It’s snowing, not yay. I had to come into work despite the snow, double not yay.  But alas, it is Friday and I generally had a good week, so I can’t complain too much.
So I’m taking two classes this semester, as a start to getting my graduate degree. I’m working full time while doing this, so I’m only taking about 2 classes at a time. It will take me forever, no doubt, but slow and steady wins the race or some corny line like that. One class is a Substance Abuse and Treatment class and one on Research methods. Take a guess which one is more entertaining?
 The Research class is a lot of work, and I had a huge assignment due as soon as I got back from NY on Wednesday night, that took me til Midnight. Welcome back to school I guess. As much as I didn’t love doing the work, I did feel really accomplished after I finished.  I’m a dork, what can I say . . .
But the best by far is my Substance Abuse class, because of the professor. We will call him Prof. Drugs.  He is pure entertainment from the start of class til the end. He really is a sweet guy, and I don’t think he intentionally means to be funny, but he just is.
The first class he told us that most teachers who teach this type of class are some type of recovering addicts and that he was no exception. Then he proceeded to have us go around the room and guess what his drug of choice was. So of course this is the first time meeting him, and we don’t want to be offensive, so we guess “safe” drugs like marijuana, alcohol, prescription drugs. He starts nodding and shouting, “no, no, no! keep guessing!” So, we are all giggling a little bit, because now we are thinking wow, he must have done some serious drugs! So a brave soul yells out, “Heroin?! Cocaine?!”, another girl yells, “Crystal Meth?”. Finally, he gets up and says, “No people! Nicotine!!”  Cigarettes. He was addicted to freaking cigarettes.  But I guess an addiction is an addiction . . .
Last night’s class was no exception of funny moments.  So a few things I learned last night, along with a few one-liners from Prof. Drugs:
1.       If a baby is born addicted to crack cocaine, it has a much better chance of not having any birth effects versus a baby whose mother was heavily drinking alcohol. “So if someone had a gun to your head and you were pregnant and forced you to drink alcohol or take cocaine, choose the cocaine.”
2.       Huffing, or when people inhale toxins, is becoming very popular, that some people in Austrailia are taking to inhaling gasoline! “I love the smell of gasoline, I think it smells great! I mean the smell of gasoline really gets me going, turns me on. Well not like that turn me on, but you know what I mean.”
3.       Tolerance to alcohol is both affected by psychological and physical factors. “I’m a 4 beer guy, that’s when I hit my limit and I get silly, like really silly. Usually before that, I’ll be in a corner at the party by myself sipping a beer, but after 4, I get friendly.”

He is great! He sure keeps the class exciting. I’m sure there will be many more quotes to come.

Not meant to be offensive, but they are the best addiction babies to have - >


  1. I would have guessed Prof. Drugs was a Sex Addict :)

  2. That will probably be revealed a few more weeks into class . . .
